Life is like a glass of lemonade

When life hands you lemons we’re told to make lemonade. What is lemonade without sugar? It’s just a glass of water with some lemon in it. I guess we could take this as a way of saying that life hands us something to make our water taste less like air, or that life is boring without some bitterness. I personally like to think that life is better with a little sweetness.

Where can we find sugar in our lives? Well, I believe that the people we encounter give us some “sugar” everyday. I heard at one point that only we can make ourselves happy. We decide if we want someone to affect us in a positive (or negative) manner. So, does that mean that people hand us lemons and sugar depending on how they interact with us? I guess, if you follow this train of thought, that we can choose whether or not we want to accept their lemons or sugar.

Life without lemons would be too sweet. It would be nearly impossible to see the good in life without taking it for granted. Life without sugar would be too bitter. We wouldn’t believe in the goodness in the world, and cynicism would be our daily companion.

I have found that you have to have both lemons and sugar. You have to make a fool of yourself sometimes and taste the bitterness of letting yourself and others down. You also have to let people in afterwards, people who love you and care for you, who add some sweetness to your life.

When I look at my life, I realize that I have made some glaring errors. I also see that I have been given so much love and kindness. I have never fallen and been left there (literally and figuratively). While I struggle with the idea that I can’t always take care of myself, and that sometimes it’s ok for someone to take care of me, I also have begun to realize that the people who take care of me aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

I am starting to realize that when I pick someone up, I am simply paying it forward. I am passing on the little bits of sugar that I receive on a daily basis. I am making their lemonade sweeter, the way someone else made mine a little less bitter.

So, now I simply want to accept the sugar I am being offered so I can enjoy life that much more. Also, so I have some sugar to give to others.

You’re Not a “Plan B” Kind of Girl

Sometimes the best posts come along just when you need to see them.


Me, My Selfie & IYou deserve better than someone who is afraid to commit to you. It may seem like enough for now. You’re just taking things slow. Oh, how I know those little phrases of “one day” and we just need time.

You believe them.
And I’ve believed them.

But you’re not a plan B kind of girl.

You need to know that you’re not the invisible one standing in the back who gets chosen last.

You’re the girl who the team captain will be frantically hoping doesn’t get picked by someone else before he gets a turn. You’re a first-pick kind of girl. And no one worth having sits back and lets those girls wait around.

‘Cause every good man knows that the good ones get gone fast.

He should be jumping out of his skin in anticipation to call out your name and say “I pick you.”

“But he’s…

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On my way!!

Yay! I’m excited to be on my way to Lutheridge today to start my journey for the summer! It’s really early, and I’m exhausted from all the shopping mom and I did yesterday, but that’s ok!

Who knew that it would be so hard to find a conservative bathing suit for someone my size? Or conservative clothing in general? That’s so annoying. Yes, I am petite, yes I am cute, but why does all the clothing have to be almost non existent?

Back to my original point, I’m going to be working at Lutheridge! I’m so excited to have this opportunity to grow in my faith and in my own self by helping children learn more about their faith in a fun, safe, and outdoor environment. What could be a better job? Working outside all summer with kids for the glory of God is so amazing. I am so grateful to have this opportunity. I know that there are going to be obstacles, but I look forward to them with the though that God doesn’t give us anything that we can’t handle.

Time to board my first flight! Wish me luck, and I send my love from the sky today :*

God’s Peace

So much to say….

So little space!

So, first, tour ended really well. A lot of drama came with the end of tour though. Most of you heard about how I have several guys trying to talk to me, and I was getting a little overwhelmed. One guy in particular I liked a good bit, and he was the cause of the tour drama. He broke up with his girlfriend because he talked to me and she saw and she got mad. All he told me was that security was at the party. But he thought that she was being ridiculous so he broke up with her. Then he started talking to me, and we were talking, but over tour he and I decided to just be friends. Well, that lasted all of a couple of days before he was talking to me as more than a friend again. That upset me some because I don’t want a relationship, and neither did he, but he kept pushing boundaries. Even though I knew that he was keeping the door open with his ex, who also happens to be his best friend. Well, I got upset and told him that he had to choose. That he couldn’t keep both doors open. He had to shut one. I knew that he would choose his ex. I’m not his type to be honest, and when I think about it, he’s not my type either. I would actually hold him accountable for the things that he did, she doesn’t, didn’t and wouldn’t. I would stand up for myself and my values. She doesn’t, didn’t and wouldn’t. She would be more forgiving, she would come back time and time again, and she would always love him no matter what he did. I can’t do that. Treat me poorly and I’m not forgetting or coming back. I can’t do that to myself anymore. I have to stand up for myself now, and I finally did, and it feels so good. To be free of a bad situation before I got hurt is amazing. And I had control. That’s the best part. I had a choice, and I was able to make it. I’m feeling like I’m starting to know how to hold to my values, and take care of myself.

What started my stand against this boy? A good friend looked at me one night at told me that if I started dating this guy that she would slap me silly because I am much too good looking for an average looking guy like him. She said “you are gorgeous enough to get any guy on this campus” and that was a self esteem boost that I really needed. I realize that looks aren’t everything, but her comment made me realize that this guy is bad for me in other ways. I am making a list of all the qualities I want in my future boyfriend, and I hope I can stick to it.

1) NO drugs. Whatsoever. Non-negotiable. That’s a complete non-starter. I can’t stand drug use. I think it’s stupid, and it’s illegal. I have no tolerance for that kind of thing in my men.

2) NO smoking. I mean, come on. The smell makes me sick. Duh I couldn’t handle my guy smoking.

3) He must believe in God. That’s important, and his relationship with God should be really important to him. He should want me to have a strong relationship with God too. I’ve realized that I have my own relationship with God, and while it may not be solely expressed in my church going habits, I know where my relationship with God is. It’s more of a private relationship. I feel close to God when I play the piano, or sing, or listen to music. I feel closer to God when I’m practicing alone, soaking in the sounds of the keyboard or the reverberations of the room.
That was a tangent. Moving on!

4) A desire to learn is important too. I want him to strive to be the best he can be, like I am, including in academics. Looking at the family I grew up in, scholarly leanings are something that I hold dear to my heart. It’s important to always be curious and driven.

5) He’s got to be ok with my baby. My amber is so important to me, and anyone who can’t take both of us, can’t have me. We’re a package deal.

6) Respect. Me, my family, his family, the whole shebang. And himself. He has to be respectful. I am so done with guys who call my family members names. My sisters are beautiful, my brother is brilliant, my momma is loving, and my daddy is crazy fun. I wouldn’t be who I am without them. I can’t imagine a life without any of them. They make me whole, drive me insane, and hold me together when I can’t anymore. We are crazy, beautiful, loving, brilliant, fun, quirky, and downright wonderful. And that’s my family. If a guy can’t take every single one of us, then he can’t have me.

7) He has to love me. For every single one of my flaws. My family does, so he has to as well.

8) He has to be good with kids and dogs, cause heaven knows I am going to have both.

9) If he doesn’t like the outdoors, he can find a new girl. I like camping and hiking and beach going and lake swimming and running, and snowman building and playing and swinging and walking and tree climbing. And if he doesn’t like to do that stuff then I will be more than slightly miffed.

10) He has to take care of himself. He has to eat right, exercise, and treat his body right. If he can’t take care of himself like I take care of myself, then I don’t want him. I like being in shape and looking good, I want a man who wants to be healthy and in good shape.

There’s so much more I can say, but this bus ride is coming to a close, and I know that I’ve covered at least the basics of my list. I’m so glad to have gotten all of this off my chest though. I am looking forward to this summer and all the opportunities that have been opened up to me through Lutheridge. I can’t wait to see what The Lord has in store for me, and I can’t wait to be apart of his plan and working for the glory of his name. Through him I have my strength, and I know that if I put my trust in The Lord he will provide for me. He will show me my path step by step, and hopefully down a ways, my path merges with that of a man that will support my every dream and will make my life better through his love of God and me.

Goodnight all! I love you, and God bless you


Guess who’s living in the Kappa Delta house next year?! This girl!!!! Isn’t that wonderful! I can’t wait to grow closer to my sisters. Maybe this will finally help dispel some of the problems I have been having in the sorority. Since I don’t see many of my sisters very often, it might help for them to see me more often and learn who I am, and for me to spend time with them so I can learn who they are. 

I started on my scrapbook today as well, putting in some of my doodles and making this “scrapbook” of sorts uniquely me. I know that I am going to run out of room if I keep putting in all of these pictures I have! But, I know when I look back on it it will have so many wonderful things to look at and enjoy 🙂

I have been so blessed to have such a wonderful support group here in Hickory. Shout out to Nana and Pops for taking me to Ardon for my interview at Lutheridge this past Saturday! I can’t wait to hear back from them to see if I got the job or not. I know it took a lot of time, but the interview went really well, and I really enjoyed spending so much time with my wonderful grandparents!

Also, I have a shout out to my Mom for taking my ridiculous calls at so many random times, and talking me through all of these strange guy problems I have been having. I don’t know what I would do without my mother’s sound advice!

I am so looking forward to spring break! I can’t wait to be in Florida so I can go to the beach and play in the sun, sand, and surf! Also, who can say no to a trip to Disney World?! I can’t wait to go for the first time ever! I have been having such a hard time not wearing shorts and sandals around recently. That’s how anxious I am for summer to be here! I love love love summer! 

Well, that’s enough of me ranting!

God Bless!

Progress? I think so!

First post ever! I am really proud of the progress I’m making so far in school.

To start, I have been exercising almost every day, if not twice a day. I have finally beat my PR in bench press, and I can now bench press 75lbs! I also finally broke 11min in my mile run! ( I got stuck at just over 11 min, and couldn’t break it to save my life!)

I have my interview for Lutheridge tomorrow, and I am sooooo excited! I really hope I get the job out there. Its exactly what I’ve been looking for in a summer job! Kids, outdoors, camp fires, and camp songs, all embedded with the word of the Lord! What could be better?!

Yesterday, I had the wonderful opportunity to perform at Duke Chapel with the A Capella Choir. I had such a good time out there singing wonderful pieces and getting ready for tour. Duke has such a pretty campus!

So, even though a lot of bad things have happened this week, I have had so many things to look forward to, and so many things that brighten my days. I am truly blessed!